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TO the cause one man gave gold,
Then withdrew into his den
From the battle line, and told
How he served his fellowmen.

When they came and begged for aid,
Gladly from his purse he gave,
And he hoped that those he paid
Would continue being brave.

“To the cause," another said,
"I've no gold that I can give,
But I'll fight for it instead,
Just so long as I shall live."

Day by day and night by night,
He that hath no gold to spare,
In the thickest of the fight
Fought and cheered his fellows there.

There are hundreds here to share,
For the principle, their pelf,
But he better serves who'll dare
To a cause to give himself.

This world does not need your coin
Half so much as it needs you,
What it wants is men to join
In the work it has to do.

© Edgar Albert Guest