Safe At Home

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Let the old fire blaze
  An' the youngsters shout
An' the dog on the rug
  Sprawl full length out,
An' Mother an' I
  Sort o' settle down--
An' it's little we care
  For the noisy town.

Oh, it's little we care
  That the wind may blow,
An' the streets grow white
  With the drifted snow;
We'll face the storm
  With the break o' day,
But to-night we'll dream
  An' we'll sing an' play.

We'll sit by the fire
  Where it's snug an' warm,
An' pay no heed
  To the winter storm;
With a sheltering roof
  Let the blizzard roar;
We are safe at home--
  Can a king say more?

That's all that counts
  When the day is done:
The smiles of love
  And the youngsters' fun,
The cares put down
  With the evening gloam--
Here's the joy of all:
  To be safe at home.

© Edgar Albert Guest