Fly A Clean Flag

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This I heard the Old Flag say
  As I passed it yesterday:
  "Months ago your friendly hands
  Fastened me on slender strands
  And with patriotic love
  Placed me here to wave above
  You and yours. I heard you say
  On that long departed day:
  'Flag of all that's true and fine,
  Wave above this house of mine;
  Be the first at break of day
  And the last at night to say
  To the world this word of cheer:
  Loyalty abideth here.'

  "Here on every wind that's blown,
  O'er your" portal I have flown;
  Rain and snow have battered me,
  Storms at night have tattered me;
  Dust of street and chimney stack
  Day by day have stained me black,
  And I've watched you passing there,
  Wondering how much you care.
  Have you noticed that your flag,
  Is to-day a wind-blown rag?
  Has your love so careless grown
  By the long neglect you've shown
  That you never raise your eye
  To the symbol that you fly?"

  "Flag, on which no stain has been,
  'Tis my sin that you're unclean,"
  Then I answered in my shame.
  "On my head must lie the blame.
  Now with patriotic hands
  I release you from your strands,
  And a spotless flag shall fly
  Here to greet each passer-by.
  Nevermore shall Flag of mine
  Be a sad and sorry sign
  Telling all who look above
  I neglect the thing I love.
  But my Flag of faith shall be
  Fit for every eye to see."

© Edgar Albert Guest