At Sugar Camp

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At Sugar Camp the cook is kind
  And laughs the laugh we knew as boys;
And there we slip away and find
  Awaiting us the old-time joys.
The catbird calls the selfsame way
  She used to in the long ago,
And there's a chorus all the day
  Of songsters it is good to know.

The killdeer in the distance cries;
  The thrasher, in her garb of brown,
From tree to tree in gladness flies.
  Forgotten is the world's renown,
Forgotten are the years we've known;
  At Sugar Camp there are no men;
We've ceased to strive for things to own;
  We're in the woods as boys again.

Our pride is in the strength of trees,
  Our pomp the pomp of living things;
Our ears are tuned to melodies
  That every feathered songster sings.
At Sugar Camp our noonday meal
  Is eaten in the open air,
Where through the leaves the sunbeams steal
  And simple is our bill of fare.

At Sugar Camp in peace we dwell
  And none is boastful of himself;
None plots to gain with shot and shell
  His neighbor's bit of land or pelf.
The roar of cannon isn't heard,
  There stilled is money's tempting voice;
Someone detects a new-come bird
  And at her presence all rejoice.

At Sugar Camp the cook is kind;
  His steak is broiling o'er the coals
And in its sputtering we find
  Sweet harmony for tired souls.
There, sheltered by the friendly trees,
  As boys we sit to eat our meal,
And, brothers to the birds and bees,
  We hold communion with the real.

© Edgar Albert Guest