Other info : Career | Furtherreading
- Poems, Decker, 1948.
- The Gentle Weight Lifter, Morris Gallery, 1955.
- (Editor) Political Poetry, Chelsea, 1960.
- Say Pardon, Wesleyan University Press (Hanover, NH), 1961.
- (Editor) Walt Whitman: A Centennial Celebration, Beloit College (Beloit, WI), 1963.
- (Editor) William Carlos Williams: A Memorial Chapbook, Beloit College, 1963.
- Figures of the Human, Wesleyan University Press, 1964.
- Rescue the Dead, Wesleyan University Press, 1968.
- Earth Hard: Selected Poems, Rapp & Whiting, 1968.
- Poems, 1939-1969, Wesleyan University Press, 1970.
- The Notebooks of David Ignatow, edited by Ralph Mills, Jr., Swallow (Athens, OH), 1973, Sheep Meadow (Bronx, NY), 1981.
- Facing the Tree: New Poems, Little, Brown (Boston), 1975.
- Selected Poems, edited by Robert Bly, Wesleyan University Press, 1975.
- The Animal in the Bush: Poems on Poetry, edited by Patrick Carey, Slow Loris, 1977.
- Tread the Dark, Little, Brown, 1978.
- Sunlight: A Sequence for My Daughter, BOA (Brockport, NY), 1979.
- Conversations, Survivors' Manual, 1980.
- Open between Us, edited by Ralph J. Mills, Jr., University of Michigan Press (Ann Arbor), 1980.
- Whisper to the Earth, Little, Brown, 1981.
- Leaving the Door Open, Sheep Meadow, 1984.
- New and Collected Poems, 1970-1985, Wesleyan University Press, 1987.
- The One in the Many: A Poet's Memoirs, Wesleyan University Press, 1988.
- Shadowing the Ground, Wesleyan University Press, 1991.
- Despite the Plainness of the Day, Mill Hunk (Pittsburgh, PA), 1991.
- Against the Evidence: Selected Poems, 1934-1994, Wesleyan University Press, 1993.
- I Have a Name, Wesleyan University Press, 1996.
- The End Game and Other Stories, Cathedral Publishers, 1996.
- Gleanings: Uncollected Poems, 1950s and 1960s, BOA, 1997.
- At My Ease: Uncollected Poems of the Fifties and Sixties, edited by Virginia R. Terris, BOA (Rochester, NY), 1998.
- Living is What I Wanted: Last Poems, BOA, 1999.
Works represented in numerous anthologies, including Naked Poetry, A Big Jewish Book, and News of the Universe. Contributor of poems to periodicals, including Quarterly Review of Literature, Sixties, Poetry, Kayak, Commentary, New Yorker, and Saturday Review. Editor, 1949-59, later guest editor, 1963, Beloit Poetry Journal; poetry editor, Nation, 1962-63; coeditor, Chelsea, 1967-76; associate editor, American Poetry Review, 1972-74. Ignatow's papers are housed at the Archive for New Poetry at the University of California, San Diego.