- Le Pan-Pan au Cul du Nu Nègre (Brussels: Editions Alde, 1920)
- Bar Nicanor (Brussels: Editions AIO, 1921)
- L'apologie de la paresse (Antwerp: Ca Ira!, 1922)
- Bar Nicanor et autres textes dada, edited by Marc Dachy (Paris: Lebovici/Champ Libre, 1986)
- Apologia dell'ozio, (Firenze, Italia, Gratis, 1993)
- L'apologie de la paresse (Paris, Allia, 1996)
- Le Pan Pan au Cul du Nu Nègre, (Brussels, Didier Devillez éditeur, 2002, collection "fac similé", with a preface by Benjamin Hennot)
- Bar Nicanor, (Brussels, Didier Devillez éditeur, 2002, collection "fac similé", with a preface by Benjamin Hennot)
- Apologie van de luiheid, (Nijmegen, Van Tilt, traduction Rokus Hofstede, with a preface by Benjamin Hennot)
- Pan Pan voor de Poeper van de Neger Naakt & Bar Nicanor, (Nijmegen, Van Tilt, 2003, with a preface by Benjamin Hennot)
- Pan-Dada: The Writings of Clement Pansaers, edited by Michael Sanchez with a preface by Marc Dachy, forthcoming.