Christina Georgina Rossetti
Born in December 5, 1830 / Died in December 29, 1894 / United Kingdom / English
Other info : Furtherreading
- Verses (London: Privately printed at G. Polidori's, 1847).
- Goblin Market and Other Poems (Cambridge & London: Macmillan, 1862).
- The Prince's Progress and Other Poems (London: Macmillan, 1866).
- Poems (Boston: Roberts, 1866).
- Commonplace and Other Short Stories (London: Ellis, 1870; Boston: Roberts, 1870).
- Sing-Song: A Nursery Rhyme Book (London: Routledge, 1872; Boston: Roberts, 1872; revised and enlarged edition, London: Macmillan, 1893).
- Annus Domini: A Prayer for Each Day of the Year, Founded on a Text of Holy Scripture (Oxford & London: Parker, 1874).
- Speaking Likenesses, with Pictures thereof by Arthur Hughes (London: Macmillan, 1874; Boston: Roberts, 1875).
- Goblin Market, The Prince's Progress, and Other Poems (London & New York: Macmillan, 1875); republished as Poems (Boston: Roberts, 1876).
- Seek and Find: A Double Series of Short Studies on the Benedicite (London & Brighton: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge / New York: Young, 1879).
- A Pageant and Other Poems (London: Macmillan, 1880; Boston: Roberts, 1881).
- Called to Be Saints: The Minor Festivals Devotionally Studied (London & Brighton: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge / New York: Young, 1881).
- Poems (Boston: Roberts, 1882; enlarged edition, London & New York: Macmillan, 1890).
- Letter and Spirit: Notes on the Commandments (London & Brighton: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge / New York: Young, 1883).
- Time Flies: A Reading Diary (London & Brighton: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1885; Boston: Roberts, 1886).
- The Face of the Deep: A Devotional Commentary on the Apocalypse (London & Brighton: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge / New York: Young, 1892).
- Verses: Reprinted from "Called to Be Saints," "Time Flies," "The Face of the Deep" (London & Brighton: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge / New York: Young, 1893).
- New Poems, Hitherto Unpublished or Uncollected, edited by William Michael Rossetti (London & New York: Macmillan, 1896).
- Maude: A Story for Girls (London: Bowden, 1897; enlarged edition, Chicago: Stone, 1897).
- The Poetical Works of Christina Georgina Rossetti. With Memoir and Notes, &c., edited by William Michael Rossetti (London & New York: Macmillan, 1904).
- The Complete Poems of Christina Rossetti: A Variorum Edition, 3 volumes, edited by Rebecca W. Crump (Baton Rouge & London: Louisiana State University Press, 1979-1990).
- John Francis Waller, ed., The Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography, includes contributions by Rossetti, 3 volumes (London: Mackenzie, 1863).
- "Versi" and "L'Incognita," Bouquet from Marylebone Gardens (June 1851-January 1852): 175, 216.
- "Corrispondenza Famigliare," Bouquet from Marylebone Gardens (January-July 1852): 120-121, 218-219; (July-December 1852): 14-15, 55-57.
- "True in the Main: Two Sketches," Dawn of Day (1 May 1882): 57-59; (1 June 1882): 69-70.
- "Dante, an English Classic," Churchman's Shilling Magazine and Family Treasury, 2 (1867): 200-205.
- "A Harmony on First Corinthians XIII," New and Old, 7 (January 1879): 34-39.
- "Dante: The Poet Illustrated out of the Poem," Century, 27 (1884): 566-573.
- Rossetti Papers 1862 to 1870, edited by William Michael Rossetti (London: Sands, 1903).
- The Family Letters of Christina Georgina Rossetti, edited by William Michael Rossetti (London: Brown, Langham, 1908).
- Three Rossettis: Unpublished Letters to and from Dante Gabriel, Christina, William, edited by Janet Camp Troxell (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1937).
- The Rossetti-Macmillan Letters, edited by Lona Mosk Packer (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1963).
- The Owl and the Rossettis: Letters of Charles A. Howell and Dante Gabriel, Christina, and William Michael Rossetti, edited by C. L. Cline (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1978).
- Christina Rossetti in the Maser Collection, edited by Frederick E. Maser and Mary Louise Jarden Maser (Bryn Mawr, Pa.: Bryn Mawr College Library, 1991).
- The Letters of Christina Rossetti, edited by Antony H. Harrison, 3 volumes published, 4 volumes projected (Charlottesville & London: University Press of Virginia, 1997-).
See also the Rossetti entries in DLB 35: Victorian Poets After 1850, and DLB 163: British Children's Writers, 1800- 1880.
Christina Rossetti's notebooks are held by the British Library; the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford; and the King's School, Canterbury; the contents of the various collections are listed by Rebecca W. Crump in Appendix A, volume 3, of The Complete Poems of Christina Rossetti: A Variorum Edition (1990). Significant manuscript collections are also at Princeton University, the University of British Columbia, and Bryn Mawr College. Holograph poems are scattered among various public and private collections, also listed by Crump. Antony H. Harrison notes in his edition of The Letters of Christina Rossetti (1997-) that more than 2,100 autograph letters are dispersed in more than one hundred public and private collections. The most substantial collections of letters are at the University of British Columbia, Princeton University, the British Library, the Harry Ransom Research Center of the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Kansas, the New York Public Library, the Wellesley College Library, the Beinecke Library at Yale University, and the Bryn Mawr College Library.