To A Young Lady, On Being Too Fond Of Music

written by

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Why is your mind thus all day long
 Upon your music set;
Till reason's swallowed in a song,
 Or idle canzonet?

I grant you, Melesinda, when
 Your instrument was new,
I was well pleased to see you then
 Its charms assiduous woo.

The rudiments of any art
 Or mastery that we try,
Are only on the learner's part
 Got by hard industry.

But you are past your first essays;
 Whene'er you play, your touch,
Skilful and light, ensures you praise:
 All beyond that's too much.

Music's sweet uses are, to smooth
 Each rough and angry passion;
To elevate at once, and soothe:
 A heavenly recreation.

But we misconstrue, and defeat
 The end of any good;
When what should be our casual treat,
 We make our constant food.

While, to the exclusion of the rest,
 This single art you ply,
Your nobler studies are supprest,
 Your books neglected lie.

Could you in what you so affect
 The utmost summit reach;
Beyond what fondest friends expect,
 Or skilfullest masters teach:

The skill you learned would not repay
 The time and pains it cost,
Youth's precious season thrown away,
 And reading-leisure lost.

A benefit to books we owe
 Music can ne'er dispense;
The one does only sound bestow,
 The other gives us sense.

© Charles Lamb