Why didn't Ya Say so Before

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One night feelin' gay sure I went to a play,Fell in love with a girl in the pit.I thought her so nice that I made her me choice,And with her sure I made a big hit,So in a mad dash I spent all of me cash,I'll see you safe home to your door,Says she in a rage--young man I'm engaged, Why didn't ya say so before.

Cho: -- Why didn't ya say so, why didn't ya say so, Why didn't ya say so before, Says he, don't ya see the blame don't lay with me, Why didn't ya say so before.

So wifey one day she was screamin' awayJust because her first born was a boy,She was squallin' and bawlin' the whole blessed dayInstead of bein' dressin' her boy.Says she, dearest Joe, I don't like boys you know,I would rather have girls be the score,Says he, don't ya see the blame don't lay with me, Why didn't ya say so before.

One night nearly mad with the toothache I hadSure 'twas down to Doc Power's I dropped,With the tongs be his side and the pliers he plied,And he pulled me four time 'round his shop.Says I when you're done, you have pulled the wrong one.As I in great agony did roar,Says he don't ya see the blame don't lay with me, Why didn't ya say so before.

© Burke Johnny