Ashok Chakradhar poet from India was born on February 8, 1951 has 74 years. Poems were written mainly in Hindi language. Dominant movement is other.
Ashok Chakradhar is a Hindi author and poet. He was born at Aheerpada Khurja, Bulandshahar.
Ashok Chakradhar specializes in satire and comedy. He is also a famous poet of Hindi Kavi Sammelan. He was a professor and in Hindi Department at Jamia Millia Islamia University in Delhi.
Ashok Chakradhar has won many prestigious national awards for literature.[1] He has been actively associated with radio and television and has scripted a number of dramas, satires and poems for children.He has appeared in some television soaps and has hosted the show "Wah Wah" for SAB TV.
He has taken voluntary retirement from Jamia Milia Islamia in 2004.
He is related to Kaka Hathrasi as he is married to Kaka's niece. ..