Archie Randolph Ammons
Born in February 18, 1926 / Died in February 25, 2001 / United States / English
Other info : Career | Bibliography
- Authors in the News, Volume 1, Gale (Detroit, MI), 1976.
- Bloom, Harold, The Ringers in the Tower: Studies in Romantic Tradition, University of Chicago Press (Chicago, IL), 1971.
- Bloom, Harold, Figures of Capable Imagination, Seabury-Continuum, 1976.
- Bloom, Harold, editor, A. R. Ammons, Chelsea House (New York, NY), 1986.
- Contemporary Literary Criticism, Gale (Detroit, MI), Volume 2, 1974, Volume 3, 1975, Volume 5, 1976, Volume 8, 1978, Volume 9, 1978, Volume 25, 1983, Volume 57, 1990.
- Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 5: American Poets since World War II, Gale (Detroit, MI), 1980.
- Holder, Alan, A. R. Ammons, Twayne (New Haven, CT), 1978.
- Howard, Richard, Alone with America: Essays on the Art of Poetry in the United States since 1950, Atheneum (New York, NY), 1969, enlarged edition, 1980.
- Kirschten, Robert, editor, Critical Essays on A. R. Ammons, G. K. Hall, 1997.
- Kirschten, Robert, Approaching Prayer: Ritual and the Shape of Myth in A. R. Ammons and James Dickey, Louisiana State University Press (Baton Rouge, LA), 1998.
- Schneider, Steven P., A. R. Ammons and the Poetics of Widening Scope, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press (Rutherford, NJ), 1994.
- Schneider, Steven P., editor and author of introduction, Complexities of Motion: New Essays on A. R. Ammons's Long Poems, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press (Madison, NJ), 1999.
- Waggoner, Hyatt H., American Visionary Poetry, Louisiana State University Press (Baton Rouge, LA), 1982.
- America, October 26, 1996, Edward J. Ingebretsen, review of Brink Road: Poems, p. 26; April 25, 1998, Edward J. Ingebretsen, review of Glare, p. 24.
- Audubon, September-October, 1996, Jon Gertner, "A Walk with A. R. Ammons; an 'Extravagantly Inventive' and Widely Acclaimed American Poet Offers His Own Way of Looking at Nature," p. 74.
- Booklist, June 1, 1996, Donna Seaman, review of Brink Road, p. 1667.
- Book Week, February 20, 1966.
- Chicago Tribune Book World, July 26, 1981; June 12, 1983.
- Christian Science Monitor, December 30, 1993, Elizabeth Lund, review of Garbage, p. 13.
- Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN), Michael Graber, "Glare Offers Seriocomic View of Existence," p. G3.
- Contemporary Literature, winter, 1968; spring, 1989, Cary Wolfe, "Symbol plural: the Later Long Poems of A. R. Ammons," p. 78; fall, 1989, Bonnie Costello, "The Soil and Man's Intelligence: Three Contemporary Landscape Poets," p. 412.
- Diacritics, winter, 1973.
- Essays in Literature, spring, 1990, James S. Hans, "The Aesthetic of Worldly Hopes in A. R. Ammons's Poetry," p. 76.
- Georgia Review, spring, 1999, Jay Rogoff, review of Glare, p. 176.
- Highlights for Children, March, 2001, Ruth M. Kirk, "A. R. Ammons: 'Poetry Astonishes Me,'" p. 20.
- Hudson Review, summer, 1967; autumn, 1981; spring, 1988, James Finn Cotter, review of Sumerian Vistas: Poems, p. 225; summer, 1994, pp. 313-314.
- Journal of American Studies, August, 1990, William Klink, "Site and Sense in Corson's Inlet by A. R. Ammons," p. 221.
- Kayak, summer, 1973, Jascha Kessler; winter, 1997, Robert Phillips, review of Brink Road, p. 659.
- Kenyon Review, fall, 1994, pp. 161-171, David Baker, review of Garbage.
- Library Journal, June 15, 1987, Lisa Mullenneaux, review of Sumerian Vistas, p. 74; September 1, 1996, Daniel L. Guillory, review of Brink Road, p. 182; July, 1997, Rochelle Ratner, review of Glare, p. 86.
- Los Angeles Times Book Review, May 16, 1982.
- Nation, April 24, 1967; January 18, 1971.
- New Republic, April 25, 1981, Helen Vendler, review of A Coast of Trees: Poems.
- New Yorker, February 15, 1988, Helen Vendler, review of Sumerian Vistas, p. 100.
- New York Times, November 10, 1972; February 27, 2001, Doreen Carvajal, "A. R. Ammons, 75, Poet of Eclectic Tastes," p. A24.
- New York Times Book Review, December 14, 1969; May 10, 1981, Vernon Shetley, review of A Coast of Trees, p. 12; January 17, 1982; September 4, 1983, Alfred Corn, review of Lake Effect Country: Poems, p. 8; December 12, 1993, Edward Hirsch, review of Garbage, p. 30.
- Ontario Review, fall-winter, 1975-76, Peter Stevens, review of Tape for the Turn of the Year and Sphere: The Form of a Motion.
- Paris Review, summer, 1996, David Lehman, "A. R. Ammons: The Art of Poetry LXXIII" (interview), p. 62.
- Partisan Review, Volume 41, number 4, 1974, Paul Zweig.
- Pembroke Magazine, number 18 (special Ammons issue), 1986.
- Poetry, April, 1969; November, 1973; January, 1988; May, 1994, pp. 97-107; August, 1998, Christian Wiman, review of Glare, p. 277.
- Prairie Schooner, fall, 1967.
- Publishers Weekly, May 22, 1987, Genevieve Stuttaford, review of Sumerian Vistas, p. 60; June 24, 1996, review of Brink Road, p. 51; June 30, 1997, review of Glare, p. 72.
- Shenandoah, fall, 1972.
- Southern Review, autumn, 1994, David Kirby, review of Garbage, pp. 869-880.
- Stand, autumn, 1988, David McDuff, review of Sumerian Vistas.
- Time, July 12, 1971.
- Times Literary Supplement, April 24, 1981; October 23, 1981; May 25, 1984; September 15, 1995, Nicholas Everett, review of Garbage, p. 25.
- Twentieth Century Literature, spring, 1990, Miriam Marty Clark, "The Gene, the Computer, and Information Processing in A. R. Ammons," p. 1; winter, 1994, Frank J. Lepkowski, "'How Are We to Find Holiness?': The Religious Vision of A. R. Ammons," p. 477; spring, 1997, John Adams, "A. R. Ammons's Stevensian Search for a Supreme Fiction in Sphere," p. 41.
- Virginia Quarterly Review, spring, 1988, review of Sumerian Vistas, p. 65.
- Washington Post, April 25, 1995, p. D2.
- Winston-Salem Journal and Sentinel, December 1, 1974.
- World Literature Today, spring, 1997, Ashley Brown, review of Brink Road, p. 389; spring, 1998, Ashley Brown, review of Glare, p. 376.
- Academy of American Poets, http://www.poets.org/ (September 7, 2001), David Lehman, "Archie: A profile of A. R. Ammons."
- Cornell Chronicle, http://www.news.cornell.edu/ (March 1, 2001), Franklin Crawford, "A. R. Ammons Is Remembered as a Generous and Profound Presence."