Adelaide Crapsey image
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Born in September 9, 1878 / Died in October 8, 1914 / United States / English

Poems by Adelaide Crapsey

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... Thin wavering finger-tips, along ...

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Nor moon,

... Ghost glimmer of the olive trees ...

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The Fiddler

... " And "Listen," they say, "It's some ghostly boy ...

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John-a-dreams --

... Roads meet; He turns by hazard of some far-glimpsed spray ...

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The Elgin Marbles

... The mighty-limbed, deep-bosomed Three, ...

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... the brown Tree-trunks and branches ...

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Vendor's Song

... If I'd as much money as I could tell, ...

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The Pledge

... And by your certain homing to Love's breast, ...

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Milking Time

... "Cushy cow bonny let down your milk, ...

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The Crucifixion

... In earth's shock in the Temple's veil rent through, ...

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Oh Lady, Let the Sad Tears Fall

... Oh, let thy bosom breathe its grief ...

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The Mourner

... Border straight paths, or where, on hillside slopes, ...

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Blue Hyacinths

... What perfumed immortal breath sighing ...

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... Great lands stretching endlessly&hellip ...

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The Parting.

... But whence there looks askance as at strange fears ...