Cradle Song

written by

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Madonna, Madonnina

Sat by the grey road-side,

Saint Joseph her beside,

And Our Lord at her breast;

Oh they were fain to rest,

Mary and Joseph and Jesus,

All by the grey road-side.

She said, Madonna Mary,

"I am thirsty, Joseph, and weary,

All in the desert wide."

Then bent down a tall palm-tree

Its branches low to her knee;

"Behold," the palm-tree said,

"My fruit that is drink and bread."

So were they satisfied,

Mary and Joseph and Jesus,

All by the grey road-side.

From Herod they were fled

Over the desert wide,

Mary and Joseph and Jesus,

In Egypt to abide:

Mary and Joseph and Jesus,

In Egypt to abide.

The blesse`d Queen of Heaven

Her own dear Son hath given

For my son's sake; his sleep

Is safe and sweet and deep.

© Adelaide Crapsey